Colorado residents across economic and political lines are bearing a day-to-day burden of current and proposed oil and gas development. We are individual and community groups of Coloradans impacted by oil and gas development.

It is time to reframe the conversation around energy development in Colorado to include the voices of those living with oil and gas development near our homes and communities. The issue is about protecting Colorado residents and Colorado’s natural resources from the risks and impacts of oil and gas developments as they encroach ever closer into neighborhoods and near peoples’ homes. Most Coloradans agree that oil and gas development should occur in Colorado, but that this development needs to be done responsibly and prioritize the health and safety of Coloradans.

Community groups across Colorado have come together to speak out on the need for proactive and pragmatic policy solutions to neighborhood drilling. We believe that:

  • Impacted and concerned citizens have a voice and a role at oil and gas decision-making tables.
  • Local governments and adjacent land owners should have a say when it comes to oil and gas in their communities.
  • We need proactive and pragmatic policy approaches at the local, state and federal levels that prioritize public health, safety, and natural resources.

Impacted Citizens across Colorado are telling their stories. Share yours today.